Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Inevitable Collapse Of the US Dollar

Operation Cash Back is in full effect. The plan is to move all of your money from the big banks to smaller credit unions. The idea being to take the money away from 1% and keep it out of government control.

This being said, Although the idea is a GREAT ONE and it SHOULD be done. I Feel if you want to protect yourself even farther you should get your VALUE out of the US dollar itself.

The dollar is losing value DAILY as the government prints more and more currency and sinks itself further in debt, stealing value from any currency that people are saving.

I am going to tell you how they are doing it, and why it wont matter if your currency is in a big bank or a credit union - you will lose it either way. but you can also protect yourself, and maybe even grow some value.

first thing you have to understand is the difference between MONEY and CURRENCY

-a circulating medium of exchange
this means it is used in trade to help against the inconvenience of bartering
-a unit of account
a standard monetary unit of measurement of value for goods and services
it can be divided into smaller amounts
means it is easy to carry
each unit is capable of substitution - my dollar is equal to your dollar




U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 10

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."

This basically states that any CREDIT or any bills NOT BASED ON GOLD OR SILVER is unconstitutional.

a currency backed by nothing is called a FIAT currency. Today the entire world runs on FIAT currency - there is NO COUNTRY that is still on a gold standard.

We used to be on a gold standard. up until 1933 you could take a dollar to the bank, and exchange it for a dollar worth of gold, it was a redeemable receipt for your store of value.

the bills were still backed by gold, and coins were still minted in silver - but you could not redeem that gold

Bretton Woods System, enacted in 1946 created a system of fixed exchange rates that allowed governments to sell their gold to the United States treasury at the price of $35/ounce. "The Bretton Woods system ended on August 15, 1971, when President Richard Nixon ended trading of gold at the fixed price of $35/ounce. At that point for the first time in history, formal links between the major world currencies and real commodities were severed".

the bretton woods act is where the economy kind of went global - our country held the gold and issued us currency notes to other country - there currency would be backed by the US DOLLAR which was backed by gold - central banks in other countries would hold bank notes from the us treasury and some still do today , even though the currency is now fiat

the fiat system is flawed, there is nothing stopping the government from just printing more money, because there is nothing backing it.

and the more they print the lower the value becomes, until eventually it hits zero and it is no longer worth anything but the paper it is printed on.

the debasement and devaluing of the dollar is what causes inflation - prices are not going up, the value of your dollar is going down, what cost 1 dollar 10 years ago costs 5 today.

this is why you should not store your money in currency, buy silver or gold or even copper

there are many benefits in this
-the value goes up over time
-it cannot be worth zero
-the government can not track your financial holdings
-it keeps money out of the banking system

here is an example of inflation

2001 prices
milk - $1.38
bread - $.99
gas -$1.46

now say you had a $1000 to spend on these this is what you would get

724 gallons of milk
1010 loaves of bread
685 gallons of gas

- okay now lets say you put that money in a bank account and saved it until today
at .85% you would have $1,088.72 - a great return on a 10 year investment (sarcasm)

but look at todays prices

milk 3.39
bread 2.49
gas 3.89

now lets see what your money gets you

321 gallons of milk - *403 gallons less then in 2001
437 loaves of bread - *573 loaves less then in 2001
279 galons of gas - *496 gallons less then in 2001

this shows that even thow you gained 88 dollars in your bank account - you have lost your store of value due to inflation and the rapid debasement of the dollar

NOW ..lets go back to 2001 and buy some silver with that 1000 dollars

2001 silver traded at about 4.80 and ounce -

with 1000 dollars you could of bought roughly 208 ounces

today silver is at 35.28 per ounce - lets say you cash in that 208 ounces you would have $7,338

you could buy

2,164 gallons of milk - *1440 MORE than in 2001
2,846 loaves of bread - *1936 more than in 2001
1,886 gallons of gas - *1201 more than in 2001

- This is why i suggest that you DO pull your money from the big banks - set up checking with a small credit union - but as for savings...get your MONEY out of the US Dollar itself, not just the banks - put it in metals - store your value - grow your value - protect yourself

- do not let the federal reserve print you into the poorhouse any further than it already has

you can call me 3769.

Friday, October 28, 2011



Help the cause - spread information




With things like "The black list bill". which will let the Department of Justice force search engines, browsers, and service providers to block users' access to websites that have been accused of copyright infringement - It is utterly important that people help the spread of information .

We live in a time where news is instant, and spread by us, the people. Twitter, facebook, youtube,and blogs help spread news ,at an, instant, the mainstream media can not keep up.

of course the powers that be, will try to censor and remove information they deem to be dangerous, but you can help fight this simply by copying videos you see, and re posting them to your own account. they cannot silence all of us.

there are many different ways to copy a video.

a simple google search will bring up many options.

my favorite is a site called zamzar dot com

easy to use with no software downloads

simply visit the site

under "step 1" click on the "u r l" link

simply copy and paste the U R L of the video .

step 2

choose the format you want the video in

step 3 enter an email

i suggest making a new email for this ..just to protect anonymity

zamzar will send the file to your email that you provided

you then download the new file and simply re upload it to the site that you wish

start by copying this video

continue with any other information that you feel is important to your cause

You can call me 3 7 6 9

I am here to express my opinions. I choose anonymity to be judged solely on my ideas and not creed, gender, race, or wealth. My message is all you need to know.

We are Anonymous; We are Legion; We do not forgive; We do not Forget; Expect us!




the 1% doesnt know what they got theirselves into

Foxnews and other mainstream media puppets of the 1% like to describe the OCCUPY movement as a bunch of people with no true goals, just aimlessly blaming the rich. They have been described as "dirty" and "disgusting"

They do not truly understand what they have gotten themselves into.

by stealing wealth and prosperity from this generation through bailouts they have created a class of college educated individuals who have no means of finding gainful employment .

These creates a large mass of INTELLECTUAL citizens with nothing to lose.

When you have nothing to lose, and a ton of people all working together to change that


I am Anonymous3769

more video from oakland

guy in navy uniform stands his ground at occupy oakland as the tear gas spreads = this is your land- this is how your government treats not only its citizens, but its own soldiers - take it back

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Don't Blame Capitalism

I would like to remind my fellow patriots to be weary of there wishes, many occupy protesters are calling for MORE government involvement on wall street, when in fact it was government involvement that got us here in the first place.

Don't buy into the blame wall street mantra and expect our government to protect us. You need to take responsibility and educate yourself. Government involvement is what lead us here in the first place, and asking them to step in again just causes more problems.

Someone in DC decided that these banks were "too big to fail" and this lead to government bailouts and stimulus - which in turn , created more debt - let the system fall - Capitalism will work if the free markets are just that "FREE" prices go up, prices go down, people succeed and people fail , but throwing money at a failing business does nothing but steals wealth from the american people and more importantly future generations.

Giving a government the right to manipulate a free market with further rules and regulations may help in the short term , but in the long term it will lead to further corruption and greed - when politics and money are involved together , its only a matter of time before the politicians start tweaking the rules to benefit their   own prosperity, as well as farther government control.

Times of civil unrest throughout history can be very scary - and when you think you are doing the right thing it could turn out to be something even more horrible - i might remind you that most dictators including hitler have risen from the ashes of governments that ended in civil unrest.


more on this to come.

My fellow patriots

I would like to praise those of you who are participating in the occupy protests. The civil unrest in this country is growing and the powers that be are lashing out in fear and finally taking notice - they want to quell the resistance before it starts.
 Little do they know, it has already began. any meager attempts of violence towards our patriots just further help the movement grow.
This is a call to action - take part - do not let them seize our freedoms any longer.

The uniformed terrorists that call themselves police officers in Oakland have done nothing but given the people a true understanding of how our government REALLY feels about us. They injured one of us, and arrested many others, but this does nothing but gives us victims to rally behind and fight for.